transport and mobility research

Modern mobility data collection and analysis

The DLR MovingLab enables mobility data to be recorded and analysed. Long-term surveys are therefore possible as well as additional surveys in the field of transport and mobility research.


Measuring mobility with smartphones

The DLR MovingLab provides a modern data collection method based on mobile devices for mobility and transport research.

Using mobile devices, such as smartphones for example, opens up completely new possibilities when surveying mobility data. The precise position of a person can be defined several times per minute using positioning and movement sensors.




In the Potential-eTaxis project, the electrification of the cab fleet in Berlin is to be scientifically accompanied.

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DATAMOST: Use patterns of LEVs

We investigate what LEV-owners (class L5e, L6e, or L7e) like and don't like about their use of LEVs; what they think works well about LEVs and what they don't like as much; and how LEV owners use their LEVs on average.

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HealthyMobility Project: Perception of particulate matter and noise on the way to work

Perception of particulate matter and noise on the way to work

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