HealthyMobility Project

Perception of particulate matter and noise on the way to work

Perception of particulate matter and noise on the way to work
The PhD project GesundeMobilität investigated how Berliners perceive their health exposure to noise, exhaust fumes and stress on their way to work. 

The study includes personalized measurements of particulate matter and noise as well as qualitative interviews to assess exposure to environmental stressors.

In addition, the participants were able to use the MovingLab to track their routes to work during one week and evaluate each route in terms of noise, exhaust fumes, health impact and stress. They were also asked whether they had chosen alternative routes



Tracking the route and evaluating it in real time was advantageous in order to survey the participants’ perception as directly as possible after they had travelled the route. The tracked routes were then discussed together in a group discussion at the MovingLab table. This allowed to discuss places perceived as particularly stressful by the participants and to identify healthier alternative routes.

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