Campaign "DATAMOST: Use patterns of LEVs".
We investigate what LEV-owners (class L5e, L6e, or L7e) like and don't like about their use of LEVs; what they think works well about LEVs and what they don't like as much; and how LEV owners use their LEVs on average.
The research project investigates the requirements and needs of LEV-owners. This concerns various questions, such as:
- What do LEV-owners like and dislike about using their LEV?
- What works well from their point of view and what not so much?
- What should be improved and what should be maintained because of this?
The project is being conducted because there are no answers to these questions yet. Hypothetical data are insufficient, therefore an active participation of LEV-owners (class L5e, L6e or L7e) is absolutely necessary to get valid results.
For this purpose, LEV-owners will be surveyed and questioned about their LEV-usage patterns (class L5e, L6e or L7e). This should lead to a user-oriented representation of the requirements and needs for LEVs and thus provide a user-centered approach for the further design of LEVs.

As soon as the results of the campaign are available, they will be published here.