Our presence at the IAA 2021
The major themes of this year's IAA all revolved around the future of our mobility: How can and do we want to be on the road in the future? What opportunities do we have today and tomorrow in order to be more innovative, efficient and sustainable with regard to our mobility? The MovingLab is at the heart of these questions.

With our tool, we can help mobility service providers, transport planners and research to provide concrete figures and qualitative opinions about people's mobility. We were able to vividly present and demonstrate these services to many interested parties at our digital MovingLab data table in Munich.
At this year's IAA, we made many new contacts and had exciting conversations. We look forward to continuing our exchange with visitors so that we can jointly shape the mobility of tomorrow. Thank you for your interest!

The MovingLab has been used in a bicycle documentary for the SWR. In this documentary, we join forces with the Koblenz city sanitation department to conduct a brief analysis of how many truck trips could potentially be replaced with cargo bike rides on average per year, and how much CO2 this could save. Watch the documentary:

Participation in DFNS 2020
DLR MovingLab presented itself at the DFNS 2020 - 12th Dresden Land Use Symposium on October 5 and 6, 2020.

Colloquium at TU Dresden
22.01.2020 - On the occasion of the transport planning and transport ecology colloquium, inquisitive students and employees at TU Dresden were able to get to know the MovingLab.

The DLR Moving Lab presentation
18.11.2019 - many representatives from politics and business visited the presentation of the DLR MovingLab to find out about the system’s fields of application

IAA 2019: New Mobility World
10 – 15.09.2019 – In the ‘New Mobility World’ hall at the IAA, inquisitive visitors were given an insight into the future surveying of mobility data with the DLR MovingLab

Youth Climate Leaders 2019
23.07.2019 – an international group of visitors was welcomed at the MovingLab as part of the ‘Youth Climate Leaders 2019 Immersion’

We have moved
Our new laboratory offers lots of space for guests and allows inquisitive passers-by to catch a glimpse from outside